Friday, February 1, 2013

Running on ice is (not) good for you.

I find out how good my Microspikes really are.

Scott and I decide to slide down the ice!  Note: the trail is actually a lot steeper than it looks.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Workout Types(s): Hiking trails
Miles ran: 12ish
Where: Harriman State Park
Temperature: High teens, low 20s
What I wore: Elita turtleneck, Northface fleece, random vest, and random windbreaker, elita thermal leggings, Adidas leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band, microspikes
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315
How I felt: Happy
What I thought about while running: I wish I could go to a real trail every day.
Food consumed: Zico coconut water, two zone bars, oatmeal
Notes: Mileage was low, but that was because the terrain was difficult with all the ice.  We spent at least four hours on the trails.

Sunday, January 27, 2013
Workout Types(s): Recovery, Roads
Miles ran: 13ish
Where: Central Park
Temperature: 30ish
What I wore: Elita turtleneck, Northface fleece, elita thermal leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315
How I felt: Solid.  My neuroma acted up half way, but it was fine.
What I thought about while running: Felt like I could run forever.
Food consumed: Zone Bar
Notes: Didn’t feel cold – hooray!

Monday, January 28, 2013
Workout Types: Physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractor work

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Workout Types(s): Trails, 6 a.m. and midnight workouts
Miles ran: 7ish
Where: Neighborhood, Flat Rock
Temperature: 20ish
What I wore: Elita turtleneck, Northface fleece, elita thermal leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315
How I felt: Solid. 
What I thought about while running: Gosh, I’m tired.   
Food consumed: Zone bar.
Notes: I should go back to doing my midnight runs in Manhattan.  Jogging after midnight in the suburbs is kind of scary.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Workout Types(s): Tempo running, climbing, strength training
Miles ran: 7.5 miles of tempo running, 1 mile of climbing.
Where: The Gym
What I wore: Honolulu Marathon tshirt, elita thermal leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315, Dr. Scholl’s foot bad for my neuroma issues.
How I felt: Solid.  Wearing the foot pad gave me a blister.  The funny thing, it's been so long since I've had blister issues that I wasn't sure what I was feeling at first.
What I thought about while running: I wish I could run faster.
Food consumed: Zone bar.
Notes: My weird neuroma needs to go away.  Stat.

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Workout Types(s):  4:30 a.m. run. 
Miles ran: 6ish
Where: Road/Flat Brook
Temperature: 50ish
What I wore: DWG 50K Shirt, elita thermal leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315
How I felt: Sleepy. 
What I thought about while running: I think I am a morning person.   
Food consumed: Nothing.
Notes: I think running at 4:30 might be better for me.  Less stress in the mornings in terms of getting ready for work and such.  In this case, I only got up because I had to drive my parents to the airport at 6 a.m. and by the time I got home, I had fifteen minutes to shower, dress, and book it to work. 

Friday, January 31, 2013
Workout Types(s):  Normal morning run.
Miles ran: 6
Where: Road/Flat Brook
Temperature: 30s
What I wore: DWG 50K Shirt, Northface fleece, elita thermal leggings, random ankle socks, Bondi Band
Sneakers: Inov-8 Rock-lites 315
How I felt: Worried.
What I thought about while running: Where should I run this weekend?   
Food consumed: Nothing.
Notes: Friday morning runs are the way to go.    

It's been a busy week, so I did not much time to post this.  But as busy as I was, I still had time to train, so train I did.  

My only cool training day was running the trails at Harriman State Park last weekend with Scott Martin and Garth, two ultrarunners from New York.  For those who know me, I have a natural talent of getting lost and following imaginary trails.  But thanks to Scott and Garth, they kept me on track, so I had a good, but slightly cold time along various sections of the park.      

Our run was generally uneventful, but I did have one moment of hilarity.  We had to do some ice/water crossings and most of the time, I was cautious and avoided the ice like I was playing the lava game.  Unfortunately, towards the end of the run, we came across this ice section that had dog foot prints.  I saw the dog a bit earlier and he looked sizeable, so I figured the ice was safe for me to walk on.  However, I neglected to consider that he was on all fours and was able to distribute his weight on a greater surface, and I was tromp, tromp, tromping on my Microspike-clad sneakers.  So my feet fell through, but fortunately the water wasn't deep and the ice water felt great.  Bonus: My Roc-Lites did a great job at shedding water, so my feet were dry by the time we got back to our cars.  

That's all I have time to write for now.  I still haven't decided where to run this weekend, so if you have a cool idea, let me know and I will be happy to join.  I just found out yesterday that I have time to do some long runs this weekend.  As of now, I will probably do Harriman super duper early tomorrow and the Long Path in the Palisades on Sunday.  Or maybe the reverse, I don't know.  We'll see what happens when I get up in the morning.   

Where my foot fell through the ice.  Tee hee hee.
Scott and Garth! Garth said he has been using those same gloves for two decades now.  Now I don't feel so bad for wearing the same thermals for fifteen years.

My silly iPhone decided that it was too cold to behave and kept on turning off even though it had more than enough battery, so I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked.  Next time, I am bringing a real camera.  


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